Material support of the missions is possible by making a donation to the missions of the Cracow Province of St Anthony and Bl. Jakub of Strepa (Jakub Strzemię) of the Order of the Friars Minor Conventual (Franciscans).
Cash donations for the missions can be paid in zloties to this account:
PKO BP 90 1020 2892 0000 5502 0901 2800 PLN
Prowincji św. Antoniego i bł. Jakuba Strzemię
Zakonu Braci Mniejszych Konwentualnych (Franciszkanów)
31-539 Kraków, ul Żółkiewskiego 14
Write in these words as the purpose of the donation: Dar na cele kultu religijnego – misje
For donors from abroad, choose the dollars or euro account as appropriate:
PKO Bank Polski ul. Lubicz 17A , 31-503 Kraków
Konto USD – PL50 1020 2892 0000 5302 0901 2842
Konto EUR – PL40 1020 2892 0000 5702 0901 2826
31-539 Kraków, ul Żółkiewskiego 14
In gratitude for the material support of the missions, we remember and pray for our donors at Mass on Wednesdays.
You can also support a specific missionary initiatives. Read more.