Spiritual support for missions and missionaries, through prayer and offering up daily sufferings and inconveniences, is the greatest spiritual assistance for the missionary work of the Church.
Here are examples of a couple of prayers:
Prayer for Missionary Vocations
To You, Lord, we turn with confidence.
Son of God, sent by the Father, to people in all times and living in every corner of the world, we are begging You through Mary, Your mother and our Mother:
May the Church never lack vocations, especially for the special service of Your Kingdom.
Jesus, man’s only Saviour, we pray to You for our brothers and sisters who have answered ‘Yes’ to Your call to the priesthood, to consecrated life and to the missions.
Grant that their lives will be renewed each day, and that they will become a living Gospel.
Holy and merciful Lord, continue to send new workers to the harvest of Your Kingdom. Help those whom You call to follow You in our time.
Grant that, in contemplation of Your face, they will accept with joy the wonderful mission You entrust to them for the good of Your people and all people.
You, who are God, and live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.
Prayer in Thanksgiving for the Gift of the Martyrs of Peru
Lord, You gave the grace of the priesthood to Your sons Michał, Zbigniew and Alessandro and You sent them as heralds of the Good News in Peru.
We thank You for granting them the palm of martyrdom, and we ask that You honour them also with the crown of sainthood.
For the blood they shed for You, give us constancy in faith, make us witnesses to hope, save our lives and grant our homeland the grace of peace.
Receive the Innocent victims of violence into Your kingdom and give them an eternal reward. Amen.
Prayer of the Sick for the Missions
God our Father, in difficult situations and in illness give us strength, that we may unite our sufferings and our infirmity with the Cross of Christ. In full trust, we ask you: do not let us forget that you are with us. Grant that we will not fall into doubt if we have to wait a long time for your answer. Through our spiritual bond with missionary sisters and brothers, give us strength and comfort us with your closeness to all the sick have not found human help.
Grant that through our sufferings we may ask for an increase in faith and love for people all over the world. Call many young people from all nations to your missionary ministry. Best of Fathers, we trust that in your kingdom all tears will be wiped away, and there will no longer be death, sickness or suffering. Be with us on our way to you. Amen.