The goodness sown, can produce a harvest a hundredfold. Let us help and cultivate the good started by the Franciscan Missionaries in Uganda. The Brat …
Material support of the missions is possible by making a donation to the missions of the Cracow Province of St Anthony and Bl. Jakub of …
Spiritual support for missions and missionaries, through prayer and offering up daily sufferings and inconveniences, is the greatest spiritual assistance for the missionary work of …
The Missionary Apostolate of the Sick is an initiative of the Pontifical Missionary Works. It reaches out to all the sick, disabled, elderly, lonely and …
On the occasion of this year’s Mission Week, we are beginning the campaign, Surround the Missionaries with Prayer! This is a form of spiritual adoption …
We are happy to announce that it is possible to offer your 1,5% on Polish tax forms for the Franciscan Missions.
The Missionary Secretariat of the Franciscans (OFMConv) of the Cracow Province has been organizing parish Mission Sundays since 1999. They were introduced by Fr Piotr …