We are happy to announce that it is possible to offer your 1,5% on Polish tax forms for the Franciscan Missions.
In accordance with the relevant statute, we will allocate the amounts received to the creation of a missionary museum and issuing publications about the lives of people in mission countries.
Donating your 1,5% is possible thanks to cooperation between the Franciscan Brother Sun Foundation and our Missionary Secretariat.
On your tax form, enter the OPP number KRS 0000397954, and enter MISJE 23 as the specific objective.
You can download the form to make your donation here.
Online payment
You can also make your donation online, using this program.
On the form, use the drop-down menu to select the specific objective ‘Misje 23’.
If you give us your mailing address when you make your 1% donation, we will send you a biannual, Polish-language newsletter about the activities of the missionaries from our Franciscan Province.
Learn about another way you can support the Franciscan missions!
Thank you to all our benefactors – we remember you in our prayers!
Sekretariat Misyjny (OFMConv)
Ul. Zolkiewskiego 14, 31-539 Krakow
Tel. 12 42 86 298; 12 42 86 280
e-mail: misje@franciszkanie.pl